Healthcare Practitioners Embrace GIA Wellness
Find out why so many Healthcare Practitioners and their clients have made GIA an integral part of their daily lives.

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
Director of Carl O. Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation
- Breast Cancer Conqueror
- Amazon Best Selling Author and International Lecturer
- Specializes in Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Digital Thermography, EFT and Chiropractic.
- 3 favorite GIA Products: GIALife Pendant, GIA Universal Guards and GIA Cell Guards.
Why Dr. Veronique loves GIA: “The effects of electro-pollution on our DNA, our immune system and hormones are established, scientific facts. I am so grateful for the patented, and scientifically validated technologies in the GIA Wellness products that help to reduce the stress and effects from EMFs. I use them personally and recommend them to all my clients and patients. If you want to achieve optimal health, this type of protection is necessary in our electronic world.”

Dr. Sherrill Sellman
Psychotherapist, Health Journalist & Hormone Wellness Coach
- Best-Selling Author and International Lecturer
- Expert Guest on 1400+ Radio and TV Shows
- Published 500+ Articles for Newspapers, Health Magazines and Trade Journals
- 3 favorite GIA Products: GIA Cell Guard, GIA Home Harmonizer, GIALife Pendant
Why Dr. Sellman loves GIA: “”EMF is a big story and the GIA Wellness solutions are too! “

Dr. Diana Hoppe
- Author, Speaker, featured on Dr. Oz Show
- Featured in Women’s Health Magazine, Fit Pregnancy and Brides Magazine
- Co- Founder of Women-in-Synergy Health Coaching Program
- 3 Favorite GIA Products: GIATrim Cleanse, i-H2O Activation System and GIA i-Thrive
Why Dr. Hoppe loves GIA: “GIA products are absolutely fundamental to health and wellness – for everyone”

Dr. Igor Smirnov
Nuclear Physicist, Engineer, PhD
- Inventor of Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET)
- Published Author and international Lecturer
- Member of Bioelectromagnetics Society, Association of American Engineers, and The Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine”.
- 3 favorite GIA Products: GIA i-H2O Activation System, GIA Cell Guards, GIA Universal Guard
Why Dr. Igor loves GIA: ”From the beginning, my vision for the i-H2O, Cell Guard and Universal Guard technologies has been that they can help millions of people around the globe – to help improve their health and well being. GIA plays an essential part in realizing that vision”.

Dr. Gabriel Perjessy DDS
Board Certified Dentist for 35 Years
- Recipient of U.S Army Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service
- Advocate for Dental Service for Veterans
- Active member of American Dental Association, Montana Dental Association and American Orthodontic Society
- 3 favorite GIA Products: i-H2O Activation System, GIA Home Harmonizer, GIALife Pendant
Why Dr. Perjessy loves GIA: “I’ve been using GIA Wellness products for 7 years – personally and in my dental practice with patients. I’ve seen phenomenal results. My own clinical observations with the GIA i-H20 have been consistent with Dr. Peter Agre’s Nobel Prize Winning research and discovery of Aquaporins. The health benefits have been profound – from improved hydration to normalized kidney function and immune support. I have seen serious skin issues improve dramatically in as little as eight weeks. You really have to try these products to see what they can do.”

Dr. Jana Green ND
NAET Allergy Elimination, Nutritional Supplementation, Natural Hormone Balancing, Neuro Structural Technique
- Owned her own practice for over 30 years
- 3 favorite GIA Products: i-H2O System, Cell Guards, Universal Guards
Why Dr. Jana loves GIA: “I have found that Electro-pollution is a common health issue for my patients and I am passionate about educating people about the need for the patented and proprietary technologies that power the GIA products.”

Jennifer Hawks
CI, CMA, RPT, Certified Health Coach
- 15 years medical experience (ranging from Phlebotomy to chemotherapy)
- Founder Peek Purity, Certified Health Coach, Certified Medical Assistant
- 3 favorite GIA Products: iH2O System, Cell Guards, i-Thrive and Edge
Why Jennifer Hawks loves GIA: “I love GIA because the company offers innovative technologies to support my patients as well as my concurrent lifestyle, so I can thrive at an optimal level at all times.”

Kathleen Kenneally
Voted “ Best Acupuncturist in Santa Clarita” for 12 consecutive years and intuitive healer
- Master’s degree in Oriental sciences, trained in Classical Five Element Acupuncture, NAET and Allergy Elimination.
- 3 favorite GIA Products: Cell Guards, GIATrim Cleanse, i-Thrive
Why Kathleen loves GIA: “I love GIA because I feel like I am doing a great service to my clients, by offering GIA’s important and effective solutions and help them take their health and wellness to the next level”.

Chantal Young
Registered Nurse, Live Blood Screening, Nutritional Microscopy
- 3 favorite GIA Products: Cell Guard, i-H2O System, GIATrim Cleanse, Lean and Curb
Why Chantal loves GIA: “The GIA products are so unique, you cannot find it anywhere else, with the patented technology ERT and MRET the best product to offset today’s high exposure electromagnetic frequency environment, thank you GIA for the wonderful products! I also love GIA because it gives me life, growth, and an opportunity to dream big and know that these dreams are possible. It truly has given me everything I didn’t know I was missing.”

Teri Balaska
Licensed Practical Nurse
- 3 favorite GIA Products: Edge, i-Thrive and Car Harmonizer
Why Teri loves GIA: “Growth Inspiration and Abundance is a clear recipe – to me -for a world of Peace and Joy. When it comes to Holistic Health practices; GIA ‘s approach is the ONLY one I have come across that has a foundation focused on the WHOLE person AND their environment from an energetic to cellular to person and then environmental level. Can’t get much more whole than that! The way one’s body, mind and spirit develops with the ongoing use of GIA’s products and environment astounds me. No lip service is given by those involved with this Company. Growth, Inspiration and Abundance is the community I breathe. It has been the answer to my ongoing prayer of peace on the Planet. To be the change we wish to see in the world (Thank you Gandhi)… has my path paved with GIA (technology, products and people). This is an environment to be embraced and thrive to each individual’s highest potential. “

Dr. Linda Fickes, DC, CCN
Doctor of Chiropractic, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Board Certified Medical Thermographer.
- Member of International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, Health Freedom Association, Hawaii State Chiropractic Association
- 3 favorite GIA Products: i-H2O System, GIALife Pendant, Cell Guard
Why Dr. Fickes loved GIA: “The wonderful thing about GIA i-H2O is that it allows you to put water into those cells so the intracellular collection of toxins that no detox can touch it’s actually flushed out of those cells.”

Dr. Michael Shpak
Chiropractic Nutritionist, Acupuncturist, Herbalist
- 3 favorite GIA Products: GIA Cell Guard, GIA Home Harmonizer, i-H2O Activation System
Why Dr. Shpak loves GIA: “I love that there is a company that brings me technologies that I can count on to support me and the people that I love to better manage the constant and toxic electromagnetic distress while enhancing – even optimizing – my hydration and general well-being.”

Arleen Ehritz
Colon Hydro Therapist
- 3 favorite GIA Products: i-H2O System, GIALife Pendant & Universal Guards
Why Arleen loves GIA: “The GIA Wellness products have helped my son, who lives with autism. This compelled me to share all that GIA Wellness has to offer with others. “

Allen Lee “Doc” White
Licensed Chiropractor
- 3 favorite GIA Products: Cell Guards, i-H2O, i-Thrive, and Cleanse
Why Doc loves GIA: “I absolutely love the integrity of the company!”

Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI)
HHI has been a providing immersion wellness retreats focusing on the organic plant-based vegan diet and natural approaches to wellness for over 60 years.
- HHI was created to provide people with education about disease prevention, and the positive effects of a living foods diet all experienced within an emersion style retreat.
- Awarded Vegan Business of the Year 2014, Best of Raw: Raw Friendly Vegan Retreat – 2013 Award Winner
- 3 favorite GIA Products: Smart Card, Cell Guards, Home Harmonizer

Dr. Hillary Smith
Licensed Chiropractor, incorporates Mind-Body therapies, Homeopathy and Clinical Nutrition
- Achieved Highest Clinical Thermographer Certification
- 3 favorite GIA Products: Cell and Universal Guards, Home Harmonizer, i-H2O System
Why Dr. Smith loves GIA: “Because GIA offers a proven technology in a world with ever-increasing electropollution.”

Hallelujah Acres
Hallelujah Acres addresses nutritional deficiency reduces toxicity and improves overall health.
- For over 30 years, Hallelujah Diet has been at the forefront of the healthful-living movement, providing recipes, expert wellness information, and lifestyle solutions to those choosing to take control of their health.
- Hallelujah Diet has made Top 100 Best Diet Blogs list by registered Dietitians
- Favorite GIA Products: GIA Cell Guards & Universal Guards

Kedzi Morgan
CHHC, AADP, PSM, BioMedical Empath
- Holistic Health Practitioner and Nutrition Specialist
- 3 favorite GIA Products: i-H2O Activation System, GIA Edge, GIATrim LEAN Protein Powder
Why Kedzi loves GIA: “I love GIA first and foremost because years ago before any of us knew what was damaging our Health, GIA’s MRET Technology saved my life literally. In addition, as my first networking experience, GIA will always live inside my heart as ‘home’! As I have gotten to know Alfred and Lynda and the people GIA attracts, who are heart centered, these areas for me are felt deeply: Community, Social Nourishment, Entrepreneurial Education and Recognition, which for me helps me keep my creative energy flowing to access the “I” and “A” of GIA!’’

Erasmia Spyros
Registered Nurse & Nutritionist
- Experience in Cardiac Rehabilitation, Orthopedics, Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Specializes in PICU, OICU and NICU
- 3 favorite GIA Products: i-H2O System, Home Harmonizer, GIALife Pendant
Why Erasmia loves GIA: “I am passionate about the environment; a cleaner environment means a healthier one. From the air we breathe to the water we drink that plays a huge role on our health. GIA has unique single file alignment water system and inspired energy products that help harmonize the EMF for our phones and enhance people’s home environment.”

Dr. Clarence Thomas, ND
Naturopath, Herbalist
- 3 favorite GIA Products: GIA i-H2O Activation System, GIALife Pendant, GIA Cell Guard and GIASmart Card
Why Dr. Thomas loves GIA: “I like the unique products that GIA offers and the real quality of the company’s people.”

Susan Clinton M.D
Trained in Internal Medicine, Certified Nutritional Microscopist

Dr. Robert Steiner C.N.C, S.T.T.
Certified Nutritional Consultant and Naturopath
- Owns successful Alternative Health Services practice in Canyon Lake, CA

Dr. Amanda Beckner, CN, HH, PhD
Certified Nutritionist, Holistic Health Practioner’s Degree, Certification in NeuroPhysical Reprograming (NPR), Master’s of Science in Nutrition
- Published Author
Sandra Burns DC
Priscilla Grant
Naturopath, CBS, CBI
- Biofeedback Specialist, Anti-Aging Expert, Practitioner and Instructor.

Suzanne Beaulieu
Orthotherapist, Massage therapist, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture

Jocelyn Oades

Karen Beth
Massage therapist

Karyn L. Grant
Licensed Massage Therapist, Author & Speaker
- Owner and Operator of The Cherishing Place
- Creator of Joy Coaching America
- 3 favorite GIA Products: i-H2O System, Cell Guard, Home Harmonizer
Why Karyn loves GIA: “After suffering from the harmful effects of EMF, causing me chronic migraines, I was elated to have been introduced to the GIA Cell Guard, Pendant and Home Harmonizer. Not only did my migraines go away, but my friends and family noticed the peaceful changes in my personality as well. In addition to migraines, I was dealing with brain fog and fatigue that would land me in bed at 7pm nightly. I tried the GIA i-H2O System and it brought new life back to me after just 10 days of using it! It was as though my body had been a wilted Daisy that sprang back to life. My “fun self” returned! The GIA products have changed my life and I am now devoted to sharing these wellness solutions with others.